what credit reporting agency is used the most

what credit reporting agency is used the most

what credit reporting agency is used the most


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What would auto Insurance cost me?

I am 16, live in Toronto. I am a male, and none of my parents have insurance so I will be on my own. I have an 88 avg in school. And I will look for a car with low insurance prices and that is safe.



What's the best auto insurance for teenagers?

I'm a female, 17 & about to get a car. I was wondering what's the best/cheapest auto insurance for me to get.



Will asthma affect health insurance premium?

Hello, I had asthma as a child from ages 2 to 11. I am now 20 years old. Will this affect my health insurance premiums if I try to get an individual plan? Or will it not matter because the last incident was over 10 years ago? I do not take any medication or anything for the last 10 years.



What is the average insurance on a 1997 camaro with usaa?

What is the average insurance on a 1997 camaro with usaa?



What is a cheap car to insure for an 18yr old

and who does cheap insurance?



Aren't the only people that will get affordable insurance out of Obamacare the ones getting a free ride?

Aren't the only people that will get affordable insurance out of Obamacare the ones getting a free ride?



How much would insurance cost for an old 1960s/1970s car?

im new to everything dealing with cars and i lovee the 1967 cadillac eldorado..



Is it common for homeowners insurance to up without notice?

I have only owned my home for a year. I got a letter from my mortgage company stating that my payment would go up because my taxes and home owners insurance has gone up. I contacted statefarm to find out why my insurance went up (i was not notified) and was told that the company increased my dwelling coverage. Is this common?



If i get my medical card in california will my parents see it since they pay for insurance?

I am about to get my card and i was wondering if my parents will see it, since they still pay for my insurance.



How much my insurance will go up?

I had an accident which totaled my car. I am 100% at fault for that accident and my car worth 15000$. I have clear driving record and no tickets in past two years. How much will my insurance go up I am paying 900$ for six months



A question about car insurance....?

Anyone know where top get cheap car insurance for a 17 year old in the U.K



Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?

Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?



How much should I expect insurance company to pay?

i was driving my 95 civic coupe, and was waiting for the green light, so it turned green and i started going, and was rear-ended by a 2008 ford f-150 with a brush guard, his truck wasn't damaged except for a dent on the brush guard. my car had the trunk smashed in a little, and the bumper was smashed in too, but after the crash, i tried to move my car, and it wouldn't go into gear, and there was oil all over the road, so i suspected my manual transmission was damaged as well, my friend confirmed this when he looked under and said the transmission was cracked. we both got whiplash from the accident, and the police officer determined that the guy in the ford was at fault. i have nationwide liability insurance and the other guy had nationwide as well



Registering a car in California?

I just bought a car in California. I just moved here and am still looking for a place to live. It was a private sale, but they left me the plates, they said it goes with the car. She also told me I have 10 days to report to the DMV. Is this true? I haven't yet because I still have no place to live. If I opened a PO Box, would that be sufficient to register my car to, and even a drivers license? Or do I need a street address? What should I do? Also, can I insure it with just a PO box? I hope to have a place within the next week, but I'm still waiting on all of this right now.



How much will a porsche 944 be in 4 years time and what will the insurance be if I'm 18?

It doesn't matter about fixing it as my uncle is a mechanic and I will be training soon.My uncle has got one now and I love it !!!



Insurance for Bentley GTC Continental?

I (sadly) dont have one of my own - yet (im working on it..) Just out of general.Theres another new footballer on the go,hes only 21 & recently purchased a bentley.Approx. for someone in there early 20s how much would insurance cost? (I understand hes a footballer,he earns more a year we all do lol..) Thanx in advance xx



How much does motorcycle insurance cost in California?

Im 18 and i live in california, On average how much would insurace cost for me? . Also lets say i do get my license without purchasing a motorcycle, will my insurace rates still go down throughout the years even though i do not own or currently riding one?



What is the best insurance company for garage liability insurance?

I am trying to find a cheaper insurance company for auto dealership. I live in Kentucky, does anyone know a better insurance company? Thanks



What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?

What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?



Pregnant and no health insurance - Maine?

I am canadian who just got a visa to move to maine to live with my US husband - I still work in Canada and cross daily. 3 nights ago I found out I was pregnant. I called my blue cross to see what it covered in the USA and when I told them I moved from NB they promptly cancelled my insurance. My husband doenst have insurance and because of my salary in Canada we dont quality for medicaid or mainecare. so no insurance, no mainecare and no money...... I also cannot have the baby in Canada now as they cancelled my medicare when I moved...... so this is worst situation I have ever been in...... I have wanted to be a mother for years but I cannot afford 15000 to have a baby ...... I am honestly contemplating an abortion.....



How much would full coverage insurance cost?

I want to get a car loan to buy this 2004 Hyundai Tiburon. I'm 18, I've been in one accident. Around how much a month?



Lawyer or insurance broker?

Lawyer - job offer, 35 000 as a trainee, but 6/7 months in advance doing course for it earning nothing...so pro rated less - after 2 years goes up to 70 000. It involves researching, managing documents, photocopying, proof-reading, filing in and submitting forms and paperwork, dealing with clients, managing their expectations. 9:30-8pm job. Insurance broker for a very big firm - job offer, 30 000 straight away pretty much, will go to about 50 000 after two years. Involves speaking to people over the phone negotiating risk on insurance products pertaining to companies, war, politics etc. Liasing with underwriters. Trying to get the best deal for clients. Less intellectual, more numerical, more oral than written communication. 9-7 job.



How much would insurance be for a road/offroad dirtbike?

I'm looking into buying a honda CRF 230 that has headlights, breaklights etc.. everything it needs to be road legal. I'm wanting it because I ride alot of trails that you need to get on the road for so long to get on the next trail and I'd figure id license it so I dont have to worry about outrunning the cops but if the insurance would be high, I'd just forget it so whats the cheapest you can get insurance for that and by the way I'm 19 and have my motorcycle permit.



Classic car insurance?

I am looking at buying a classic car but i don't know where is best for classic car insurance.



How much will i get from insurance if my car is totaled?Also, I am NOT at fault.?

I just got into a car accident with my Toyota 4-runner ('97) and it looks to be totaled. Some guy just turned onto to the street and stopped, taking up the whole two lanes which left me no choice but to hit him head on. What I want to know is: 1. If my car is not repairable, how will I be covered? 2. Will I get the cost of the car? 3. If not, if anyone knows, please do tell me. Seriously, I really think my car is totaled. The car has been paid off years ago and I really don't want to deal with buying a new car and doing the whole car payment thing over. Thank you.


what credit reporting agency is used the most

what credit reporting agency is used the most


Free Geico car insurance?

I've always been told by a little green lizard that 15 minutes on the phone can save you 15% or more on car insurance... what about 100 minutes on the phone?



Average cost of sr22 insurance?

What is the average cost of sr22 insurance?



American auto insurance?

hello im livivng in ireland and over here we have a disc that is dispayed in the windscreen of our vehicles for our insurance policy but what way does it work in the usa? is there a disc to be displayed?



Why is car insurance rediculous when I've never claimed and drive a small car?

I'm in my mid 30s, a female who has never claimed. My car is 1 litre and I don't drive many miles. I thought the companies would want my business but now I might have to give up driving because I can't afford the insurance.



Car insurance broker or direct to insurance company?

I'm about to get a car, and i'm thinking about car insurance. The thing is, I don't know whether should i go to an insurance broker, or just shop around doing all these web quotes and find the cheapest out there and call them directly. Should i just do this or should i contact an insurance broker? What are the pros and cons of dealing w/ insurance broker? thanks



If a car is in group 4 for insurance what does that mean? How much will it cost?

If a car is in group 4 for insurance what does that mean? How much will it cost?



How good would a 1.6 Renault Clio RXE for road tax ,insurance running costs be?

How good would a 1.6 Renault Clio RXE for road tax ,insurance running costs be?



How much would car insurance be for me?

I am a 16 year old male in the state of Massachusetts and I'm wondering how much it would cost me to insure a 1986 Monte Carlo SS.



Which is cheaper car insurance in newjersey?

Which is cheaper car insurance in newjersey?



Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old in ontario?

So im going to get a motorcycle in april hopefully or when time permits within the next 2 years. I am going to write my m1 as soon as possible and im going to do the learning course and get everything done correctly. So onto the bike i want, I want a yamaha wr250r around 2008 and will be riding a lot and ride for however long i could until it gets really cold. So can you guys give me a rough estimate of what it will cost. Im guessing around 3500-4000 does that sounds about right thanks.



Who needs insurance?

Auto insurance is a hit or miss conception with police enforcement doing the insurance company's work for them. Too many drivers have no insurance leaving responsible drivers to pick up their tab. Why don't we tack on 10 or twenty cents per gallon at the gasoline pump to go for insurance. If you don't buy gas for your car, you're not going to be able to drive.That way, if you drive, you automatically have insurance. This frees up police to do real cop work, cuts down on the cost and makes sure everyone who drives has insurance. Whadya think?



Where can I find health insurance as an 18 year old and I'm peregnant?

I'm an 18 year old, I live in Florida, I have a job as a CNA, I'm pregnant and married. I was woundering where can I go to get affordable health insurance and if it's likely that I'll get coverage. I would also like to know an average of what it would cost.



How much does it cost to add an additional insured to car insurance?

A ball park figure is fine.



The best Car insurance for a 19 year old.?

What Car holds the cheapest car insurance rating for a 19 year old ( first car ) Living in the southport area ?



Any suggestions on Pet Insurance?

Hi I've been looking at pet insurance from lots of different companies, and I've found that the high street insurances have so many ifs and buts in the policies that if my pet became ill or needed treatment I think it'll be very difficult to claim any funding. I've also looked at Pet insurance by companies specialising in pet insurance they seem to be more accessible but at the same time they are far too expensive monthly! Any suggestions as to a good insurance policy? I really want one because I'd hate it if anything happened to my dog and I couldn't afford the treatment!



Is Globe life insurance any good?

I requested info from them, and after looking at their brochure, I think I would like to sign up for it. Is it really any good??



I'm on a fixed income with 3 cats. Does any cat owner know of a good affordable cat insurance plan?

*I purr..fer to hear from people that already have a good affordable cat insurance plan.



Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?

Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?



What will happen if i dont pay my car insurance this month?

I am a student and find it financially. I recently had to get my car repaired so I now do not have enough money to pay my insurance this month (192.10) I was thinking of asking if I can skip this month and request double payment this month? What are the consquences of not paying the insurance for a month. My friend believes it can damage the policy and they may ask for the full ammount? Im with quinn direct



What is the cheapest and best insurance for brand new drivers (16 year old guys)?

also how much would it approximately be?



Can car insurance be in both my name and my wifes?

I just sold my car, and am waiting 3 months to buy a new car. My job requires that i have car insurance ( i dont know why since i dont drive for my job) I faxed a copy of my wifes insurance. Can my name be added on to the insurance, or do i need to get seperate insurance?



How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?

How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?



My car was damage in Hurricane Ike, will home insurance fix it?

My car was on my drive way, and the fence smashed into it. in a since, if a car hit my car they have to pay, is the same concept done with a house insurance?



Car insurance for a 17 year old?

i am a 17 year old male who has just passed his driving test a month ago and wants a cheap insurance company and the cheapest car to insurance, i only want to use the car to commuteto a place of work. Any ideas



High Risk Auto Insurance - Where can I find the lowest quote online?

Is there any online auto insurance website that specializes in getting the lowest rates on car insurance for high risk drivers? If so can anyone guide me to one?


what credit reporting agency is used the most

what credit reporting agency is used the most


Car insurance is way to high! If I drive a motorbike for a year or two how much would this reduce my car?

I am 19 and have passed my car driving licence 2 months ago. The insurance for all the cars I have looked at are way to high. More than 2500. I am doing my CBT next week, I was wondering if I drive a moped or 125cc for a year or two will this reduce my car insurance, please help as I need to get on the road. Thankyou.



Cheap car insurance with different situations?

HI I have one car at the moment. I am looking to buy another one for my wife. I want to know how will it work out cheap to get both insured. is it 1) If we both can drive eachothers cars? 2)we have seperate insurances on our cars and we can not drive eachothers cars? 3)I can drive my wife's car but she cant drive mine.? Also how can we protect individual no claim bonuses aswel. Thanks



How much does it cost the average person to keep and maintain a CAR in a day?

including petrol, MOT, buying the car, insurance, washing, oil, air, tyres, extras eg booster, radio, or say how much money it would altogether cost a year then i can divide it :) THANK YOU xx by the way if you are wondering which car make well one that costs average



Are auto body parts that are taken off covered by insurance for wind damage?

i was changing my fuuel pump on my truck. we took off the bed and stood it striaght up on the lawn. we didnt finish it right away. it was a couple of days before i got the new pump. one of those nights it blew over and tweaked the bed rails a little bit. id hate to file a claim and they would say its your fault and raise my insurance rates. i have full collision.



Health insurance in Colorado?

I just moved to Colorado from California and am looking for a job. My problem is I have to get my vision tested, and I'm going to an optometrist, but I'm pretty sure he'll refer me to a specialist and testing will be required. I really want to go because I've been putting it off forever and it's starting to affect me a lot. I applied for Medicaid and was denied, obviously, since you have to have children or be over a certain age. Is there an insurance plan that's comprehensive and affordable, something that's going to cover doctor visits? I'm not looking for hit-by-a-bus insurance because that won't cover doctor visits or prescriptions. Or is there another public option? Thanks for your help!



Is there a time limit for a auto insurance claim to be completed?

I was in a fender bender with another car in a parking lot a month ago. I filed a claim with the other guy's insurance agency the same day as the accident and have yet to be told if the claim was approved or denied. I spoke to my adjuster last week (as well as the week before) and they were still waiting on photos of the other vehicle. Is a month normal? The auto insurance company is Wawanesa. So my questions is...is there some kind of legal time limit for an insurance agency to approve/deny a claim in the state of California? Or might I end up waiting months to hear anything? Thanks.



Classic Car Insurance for Young Irish Drivers?

I'm looking to insure a 1989 Ford Transit and can't seem to find anyone that can do this as I am only 22. Has anyone ever been able to solve this problem in Ireland? I already have a full policy on a primary car



The best health insurance?

im was wondering whats the best health insurance to get for some who is 19. someting that has eye vision to. i work but i dont have insurance from my job its along story so dont ask. i need something that is affordable. i live in southern california. any suggestions will do. this stuff is all confusing to me . copayment? or deductible? please help!!!



Can you get a car loan under your name and the car insurance under someone else?

you see if i get the car loan and the insurance under my name then ill be paying about 600 bucks a month in insurance and thats way to much!!i can have the loan under my name but would it be allowed to have the insurance part in some one else?



How is mandating health insurance socialism? Why is no one rioting about car insurance?

Healthcare is still run by the private sector. Just more people will be able to get it. How is ensuring everyone has insurance socialized medicine? Healthcare is run by the private sector either way.



Car dealership never faxed info to the insurance company. Can anything legally be done?

I got in an accident in the car and the insurance company said the dealership never faxed the info and it was ultimately my responsibility to make sure it had insurance so is there anything i can do or am i just screwed with a wrecked car?



How much would car insurance be for me?

Does anybody know how much (on average) car insurance is for an 18 year old with no accidents/tickets? I'm thinking about getting my first car by Dec. 2012 (or maybe early 2013). Of course it will be a used car (probably a sedan from somewhere between 2005 - present) since it's my first car (idk if that matters w/ the insurance, i think it does)



Limited company insurance?

Ive just set up my own limited company recently and i am the only emploee of this company. I dont have health insurance or insurance against loss of earnings in case anything happens to me. Who is the best company for me to go to with this problem.



Why are those who declared a great need to be able to buy Affordable Health Insurance now refusing to buy it ?

Why are so many of those who declared that they had a great unfulfilled need to be able to buy Affordable Health Insurance.... which they assured us they would buy if & when it were made available to them,.... now refusing to buy this Affordable Health Insurance now that it has been made available to them ? Why did those people who screamed the loudest declaring the need for them to be offered the opportunity to buy Affordable Health now screaming the loudest to declare they do not intend to buy the same Affordable Health Insurance that they told us they would buy if it were offered to them and would rather pay a fine than buy the Affordable Health Insurance that they had clamored for ?



What option should I choose for my car insurance?

I did a little test to check quotes when it came to auto insurance through Progressive. I found that I would pay less a month for choosing the option that I have had insurance for the past five years, but when I choose I haven't had insurance it charges me more per month. I technically have not had insurance before. My last vehicle was on my brothers insurance policy and I was listed as an Additional driver. So should I choose that I haven't been insured? I obviously wouldn't drive without insurance, even though I do live in a state that does not require it - but I don't want to give the notion that I have been either. There's not an option for new drivers who just didn't have insurance because they never had a vehicle before. So I am totally confused as to what option I should choose. Thanks!



What are the costs of running a car?

Firstly, I'm in the UK. I want to know if I can afford a car, so I need to know what you have to pay for. At the moment I'm aware of insurance, the cost of the vehicle (and petrol) and MOT. Are there any other costs I have to take into account? Thank you.



Car insurance question?

I'm from the UK, 22 year old man. Passed my driving test in November, looking to buy my first car. For the cheapest 2 insurance bands, how much a year could I expect to pay for insurance? ball-park figure obv. also, can you give me examples of the sort of cars I'd be able to get insured for?



Which cars are cheap on insurance for a 20year old new driver? And which cars dont drink petrol fast?

I am doing an intense driving course, i would like advice and which cars aint too high on insurance and also which cars dont drink petrol fast as i know some do!



How much does it cost to insure a ninja 250r bike?

im 19 and would like to know how much it would cost. thanks. and what i can do to lower it



Is it possible to find a health insurance plan with no deductible requirement?

I found the perfect plan for $33 a month, but it has a $10,000 deductible. WTF? Unless I become pregnant and have a kid, or need surgery or whatever, I find it impossible to make a $10,000 bill within a year. That's too much. I've always been healthy and rarely need to visit doctors. Then I was looking at other policies and they were more expensive, but they all had deductibles. One was like $160 a month with a deductible of $5,000. And anyways, I'm a college student and financially independent which means that I am no daddy's girl -I have to work to support myself and pay some school expenses. I don't want to depend on my parents financially in any way (they are willing to, but I just feel like at 21, I shouldn't be their responsibility anymore) so I always worry something would happen to me and they would have to pay hospital bills for me. I can't afford paying a very high deductible or a high monthly quote. Any hope for me? ..or should I move to Canada?



What company do you have your home owner's insurance with?

Buying house and need to get some home owner's insurance, need a few places to get quotes from.



What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?

What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?



Car Insurance need advice?

I have one car with 24 years no claims and am going to be the policy holder for my sons car. Can i put down that i have 24 years no claims or do i have to start again (in the sense put 0 down??)Im quite confused by the process as i haven't had to do this before, also it is very difficult for him to afford insurance if we don't do it this way so if anyone knows of any good cheap insurance companies



Atv liability insurance?

i am just looking at atv`s, dont have a clue yet which one i want, so i cant get a insurance quote without all the details, if liability insurance is too high i wont be getting one anyone, it seems its Mandatory in Idaho, anyone have a General idea of insurance for a new, say 7,000 one would be, just a estimate. Also i hope i misread that i need to take a course to get a license for the atv, like a motorcycle ? Anybody know of states that do this ?



What companies offer dental insurance in california?

What companies offer dental insurance in california?


what credit reporting agency is used the most

what credit reporting agency is used the most


Can someone explain the difference between Health Insurance and any other Insurance?

I don't understand why people act like health insurance is so radically differently than other insurance. Is it? Insurance is a form of risk management to hedge against loss. Auto, Life, Homeowners, Unemployment and Health are among the types of insurance you can buy. I'm generally not required to buy any of those insurances. If I have the title to my home, I'm not required to have homeowners insurance. If I don't drive a car, I'm not required to carry auto insurance. Why should I be forced to buy health insurance? If I want to take that or any gamble by not buying insurance, isn't that my choice? I will admit that by not purchasing health insurance, I could be putting a burden on others if I was admitted to the ER and couldn't pay, that burden of payment would fall on others. HOWEVER, that burden would be there whether I was forced to carry insurance or not. If I don't make enough money to buy this mandatory insurance, then the gov't will give me tax credits to purchase insurance. Who's paying for those tax credits? All of the tax payers. So either we pay the providers/insurance companies via higher premiums to cover loss, or we pay the gov't via taxes. Forcing (perhaps unconstitutionally) citizens to purchase health insurance won't solve anything, it will just move where the cost is incurred. But please, explain why people are treating health insurance so differently.



Suggestions for car insurance?

I have preferred insurance and have been paying by the year for over 5 years with this company, with no claims in over 10 years. They have raised the entire states rates, and I'm not staying with them. Any suggestions? Any reviews on that little green lizard insurance company?



How much would car insurance be im 17?

Hello im a male and im 17 my car is a 1996 honda del sol And does insurance also depend on age,car, and area u live?



Moving insurance question?

In september I will be moving to a state on the other side of the country for a few months and then comming back. Will I need a new insurance company or will my rates go up when I move? does it matter that it will only be for a few months? Im currently in CT and I'll be going to Orlando Florida if that helps at all



Why do we have insurance, when insurance companies don't want to pay anything?

Why not just save the money in the bank? Lets bankrupt the insurance companies... tell them to go to hell. I ain't paying $100 a month for nothing.... and then wait months fro them to pay for my stuff. and them looking for reasons not to pay me.



Where can I find affordable renters insurance in northwest indiana?

Where can I find affordable renters insurance in northwest indiana?



How much would it cost for three 18-20 year olds to live on their own in a 2 bedroom apartment?

I am currently 15 but am planning to move in with my best friend, and my boyfriend at the age of 18. Can anyone tell me what the prices may range for about? We want-- A two bedroom apartment. (Not specifically top notch) Heat of course, but air conditioning not needed. One car with insurance. No cable, phone, or internet. Electricity, Water, and food of course are important. I will be in school as well as my friend, so we can work part time. The boyfriend can work part time or full time. Does anyone know how much this may come to? Around? Aim high because we really want to be prepared. Thank you all so much. =]



Insurance for 1998 Corvette for 18 Year Old Male?

Okay, so this question is one of those, if you have to ask you can't afford it type of questions. Now I have loved Corvette's since I was old enough to identify cars. I have always dreamed of owning on, and the opportunity is upon me. After selling my car, and saved money, and saved funds, I can afford a 1998 Corvette Silver Automatic. Now it's a V8, and is pushing over 300HP easy. Insurance is ridiculously high, even with 2 and a half years of perfectly safe driving. (I hate the stereotype of just because I'm young, I'm an unsafe driver. Alas, all the idiots ruin it for us safe young adults.) Anyway the Vette clears out and is mint shape, no accidents, and is selling for $14,900 with 74K miles, a steal if you ask me. Anyway I have over $16,500 saved up, which leaves me with an issue. I can afford the car no problem, but I just know the insurance will be through the roof. However I was wondering if any of you have any idea on the cost. I have Metropolitan if you were wondering.



Can people really save 15% or more on their car insurance by switching to Gieco?

is Geico a expensive car insurance or do you really save a lot? I'm planing to switch to Geico but I need to know if it'll be cheaper. I mean what do you guys who have Geico feel and think about the insurance?



What's the best way to approach someone about buying life insurance?

What's the best way to approach someone about buying life insurance?



Can my fiance add me to his insurance plan?

and is it more convenient than individual? (insurance through his work)



Got into a car accident with rental and declined the insurance?

hi all i was hoping you could get some facts/and or legal advice. Ok so i have been renting this car for about 6 month now because i cant afford a down payment for my own. I had my own car insurance which covered the rental. However(bad luck struck) i got into a car accident 2 days after my car insurance lapsed i have since renewed my policy right away with another insurance company that gave me better rates. The fault of the accident has not yet been determined. I believe it was the other persons fault. however i am worried what will happen if it is deemed to be my fault. i was not covered at the time of the accident, i did not obviously have coverage through the rental company. i want to make something clear that i am a person of good faith and if it were to be deemed as my fault i have no problem paying the other persons deductable. but i am worried about someone going after me for thousands and thousands or jail time or loosing my licence. so my questions are do rental car companies carry default uninsured motorist coverage(even if i opp out of purchasing theres?) if it is my fault do i get to pay the other persons deductable(and damage to rental) and walk away? will her insurance sue me for full cost of repairs? will her insurance go after rental company go after rental place for money? will her insurance go after my new insurance even though i was not covered by them at the time of the accident? fyi: no one was hurt, she has a minor medium size dent in door panel, i have small tear in my bumper



How much would the insurance be for a 2004 Range Rover HSE, for an 18 year old?

just an estimate thanks so much!! :)



What's the cheapest car insurance rates?

I wanna know the absolute cheapest car insurance someone you know pays and what their life situation is. I'm just curious where I would have to be in life in order to get the cheapest ...show more



Will insurance companies charge Yahoo Answers users more than others due to cheating on the written test?

Before getting a license (or permit), a potential driver is supposed to study a booklet of information about how to drive safety, traffic laws, etc., and pass a test. Many potential drivers post the questions from the test in the safety category on Yahoo! Answers and get the answers that way, instead of actually studying all the information that they are supposed to study. Will insurance companies decide that insuring Yahoo! Answers users (many of whom cheat in this way) is riskier than issuing individuals who do not have Yahoo accounts (and cannot use Yahoo! Answers to cheat on the test), and charge higher rates to Yahoo! Answers users than to individuals who do not have Yahoo accounts? How much different will the rates be?



How much does short term disability insurance cost?

what are the premiums, if you have short term disability insurance on your own, to supplement an employer's plan or just to help out with bills if you're termporarily disabled?



What do you tell your work when you lose insurance ?

One of my best friend no longer has insurance because she can't afford it, andshe doesn't know how to tell her work. I though she needed to do something with her W2 but I don't know for sure, all I said is I think she needs to go in and ask to change it?



Car insurance question?

okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?



Need good car insurance in new jer sey -?

i recenlty moved form california to new jersey. i was holding my car insurance with 21 st century ,that was earlier called AIG . i needed a better insurance in new jersey with reasonable rates. i see the rats are pretty high in nj , from what i looked at,.please adivse some better car insurances companies



Car insurance for students at uni?

Im going to uni in september and my car insurance is also up for renewal, i will be leaving the car at home while away but will want to use it over holiday periods and the occasional weekend. Does anyone know of cheap companies who offer insurance for short periods of time while its driven?



How much does liability car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?

I know that the full insurance may be roughly 140-160 a month for me, but I was told by a friend that his insurance is only 80 bucks a months because he only got the liability insurance in which his insurance only covers the other car, but not any damage done to his own in the case of an accident. Keep in mind, he's male, and he is also 21. I'm looking to buy either a: 2000 sunfire 2000 cavalier 1995 jimmy 1998 chevy tracker 1993 bmw 325l ....and the idea is that I would get it with the liable insurance to save some money. How much may this cost me a month? I have no history of any driving infractions or accidents.



How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance?

How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance?



Does anyone know of cheap insurance?

I just recently found out I have a nodule on my thyroid but I have no medical insurance. Its causing me relationship problems. I need help quick. I had a lung removed three years ago due to a cancer scare the doctors all thought it was cancer. The first place thyroid cancer matastisies to is the lung now Im afraid.



Anyone know where to get affordable international health insurance?

I am wondering where I can get some decent health coverage to cover me during my international adventures . Does anyone know where to look for this stuff? Please give websites and phone #'s if you have them. Thank you.



What is insurance?

What is insurance?


what credit reporting agency is used the most

what credit reporting agency is used the most
