what does m9 mean on a credit report

what does m9 mean on a credit report

what does m9 mean on a credit report


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How much is insurance for a 2005 V6 mustang for a 49 year old women?

My mom wants a mustang for her birthday just to drive back in forth to work. What will the insurence cost for her



Help i need cheap auto insurance.?

i have a 2001 pontiac grand prix gt and i am 19 years old and i live at zip code 48726 i need cheap car insurance can you help please



What's some places to check for cheap auto insurance?

I realise that this is not a P&S question, but Cars & Transportation > Insurance & Registration is a deadbeat section. I probably should ask this in R&S since most of you are 12.



What if I can't afford my car insurance payments?

I think I do my car insurance a little different than most people. My family goes through a company who pays the insurance people in full. We then pay that company back. I got a new car in January and my insurance went from $25/mo with the '77 Ford Granada I had to over $200/mo with the 2001 Chevy Cavalier. Sad thing is my insurance per month is more than my car payment. Now I can't even afford to pay my insurance. The really bad thing is that I've only paid my car insurance once since January and now my 6 months is coming up and I still owe $1230....I have no idea what to do. Think any of you could help me?



So I'm a little confused about car insurance.?

So when the feeloaders who are generally poor and cannot afford car insurance, don't buy car insurance, which way is cheaper??? The gov't taxing me to purchase car insurance from the insurance companies for these freeloaders ? OR the insurance company simply raising my rates to cover the freeloaders ? You see, it seems to me that adding an additional layer of gov't beauracracy would cost more, but I have been told I am wrong. Am I wrong?



What insurance will accept me?

Here is what happen. I was invited into this car insurance agency. I was with them for the last 5 years. I had 3 accidents in the last year. 1 first one was at an airport and the guy that hit me claimed full responsability 2nd a guy went through a red light and hit me and was charge with a dwi. The 3rd a chick clipped my car and no claims were paid because it was a he said she said. My car insurance now said that they were dropping me. I was tlaking to an agent and she was telling me it did not matter that 2 were not my fault because i was still in an accident. I was then telling her how I felt robbed and cheated by them. I then heard what sound like chewing in the back round. I said Are you eating She said what? I said are you eating She said um... maybe I said how rude, after 5 years of loyalty and you do this They dropped me. They said no one will want me. how can i get car insurance now?



If my camera is in my car and it is stolen will my auto insurance cover it?

If my camera is in my car and it is stolen will my auto insurance cover it?



Auto insurance cost when not parked at home address?

Auto insurance cost when not parked at home address?



Term Insurance vs Whole Life Insurance?

1. What is the difference between a term insurance and whole life insurance policy? Which policy is suitable for what kind of people? 2. What are the exclusions for term insurance policies i.e. death because of some reasons (for e.g. suicide) that does not entitle for insured amount? What are other such reasons? 3. Does term insurance cover accidental death, death because of terrorist strike or natural calamities?



Most affordable health insurance?

I know its going to be expensive regardless, I can't afford to go through my work's insurance (over $200 a month). Researching online for medical/dental coverage. Anyone know a good insurance to go through?



Which quality insurance company has the cheapest price?

I need two crowns, 6 extractions, 2 fillings, and then partials to fill in the gaps. I know this because the dentist just told me yesterday.



How does the whole car insurance thing work?

I am a 19 year old boy. My parents are buying me my first car. It is a nice pre-owned car. How does the insurance for the car generally work? Is it required? I will be in college next year. Can they take care of my car insurance? How does it work? I heard that they can put my car under their insurance. Is this true? Please explain.



Is Northern Illinois University health insurance any good?

I really dont understand insurance that well so here is the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 per semester



Can I get insured on a car for a day?

I have a driving licence, and I'm 17 years old. I want to buy a car a little after my 18th bday. Is there a way I can get affordable 1 day insurance just so I can drive the car ...show more



Where would i get cheap car insurance male age 19?

getting funny quotes




my sister is REALLY sick. she has a really bad cold and cough and not getting better! she doesn't have insurance or money to pay for a dr.'s visit. would anyone be able to help me help her find somewhere she can go to get checked? i live in orange county, california.



Getting life insurance for my grandparents?

My grandparents are in their seventies - early eighties. Financially, they are having a tough time and do not have life insurance. As their grand-daughter, I would like to establish a policy that will be just enough to cover their final expenses. They live in the state of Missouri and I live in Minnesota. Would I be able to get a policy for them? What types of policy should I look at --term or whole life? What are your recommendations for insurance companies?



I hit someone car's door when I was parking. How much it will cost?

When I parking. I hit someone's car then she was opening the door. How much should I pay? I have a learner permit and I was practice parking with my friend who is over 21 with drive license. When I practice parking. It was clear on my back but the last time I practice. There is a car just parked back me and I did not notice it. When she open the door. I accidently hit on her door. It is not too bad. A little bit dent. And she said she is going to call the insurance. If it is not too expensive. I will pay. So. I just wonder how much it will cost me. Thanks



Where can I find the cheapest health insurance in California?

Basically I am enrolling in this EMT course and they REQUIRE that you have proof of health insurance before enrolling in the class. Where can I find the cheapest insurance just to fill this basic need? Doesn't matter about coverage and co-pays, etc. just need something to suffice until I'm done with the course, then I'm going to drop the insurance once I get it from my job as an EMT, ya know. Me: married 23 yr old female in perfect health.



Life insurance question?

is there a insurance company that deals with people that has had a illness/disability that was before 18 or like started at birth? i forgot the actual word for it.



How much do you reacon my car insurance will be?

I am currently taking driving lessons but in a few months I will be taking my driving test. If I pass my test my mum is giving me her car which is a 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, I will have to pay for the insurance so I was just wondering how much it would be?



Car insurance, i only drive for 3 months or so? any options?

I currently have a BMW m3, i will be moving to new york city where it makes no sense to have the car, but i love the car and intend on keeping it locked in my parents garage and covered for the majority of the winter. during the summer months it will be down at there vacation house but again, it will only be driven by me maybe twice a month and for two weeks one month. the only other time i could see me using it would be every once in a while when i visit home to go to the store and back, literally like 5 other days out of the year. is there any insurance for this? i have a loan on the car, but it's used and old and in pristine condition so i'd rather keep it, i have considered selling it. soo what options would i have? i also go to school in another state from wher the car is stored.



Question about car insurance?

my wife is new to this country and will just be getting her license soon. I am 27 and my insurance has just dropped below 100/month. How much would adding my wife who is 33 but never had US license and doesnt have credit make my insurance go up?



How can i insure my car for 1?

just read somewhere on this site that you can insure a car for 1 surely this is a load of uncle tom cobbler? would be very impressed if someone can answer this question... seeing as my car is only worth 500 why should i be expected to pay almost that in insurance? it would get written off any way should i ever claim. cos being an olde banger insurance cost for parts and availability not as easy and quick to get.



Can your parent pay for your vehicles car insurance, and it be cheaper for them, instead of higher for me?

Can your parent pay for your vehicles car insurance, and it be cheaper for them, instead of higher for me?


what does m9 mean on a credit report

what does m9 mean on a credit report


How much would my insurance cost?

hi i am 18 and looking for a vauxhall corsa the old one or a ka the old version i wanted to know from my age and the car on average how much would my insurance cost a month i am from england so could you tell me in pounds please p.s. i know it depends on a lot more things but it will be my 1st car could anyone please give me an average thank you



How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?

How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?



What car insurance would be cheaper on which car?

I'm in the state of Alabama with ALFA and I'm looking at either an Infiniti G35 coupe or a Toyota 4Runner....both between the years 2000-now. I'm thinking the 4Runner would be cheaper. What are some other opinions?



Cheap car insurance with a claim?

I've had an unlucky year, my first car got written off, and just recently i've had my second car stolen and not recovered. This has happened in the space of a year, and i have nearly had my licence one year. What are my options to get insured as cheap as possible? are there any insurance companies out there that specifically insure young drivers or drivers with claims?



Friend hit my car, will my insurance go up?

Alright well tonight I was doing some work on my friends car so I had his car up on some ramps and my car was parked behind. Well for some reason he felt it nessessary to back up as far as he could from the ramps and ended up backing right up into my car. It damaged the bumper pretty well so i'd like to have it repaired. My questions are one will my insurance rise if I get it repaired under his insurance? And will his insurance go up because of it? If so how much? I live in Arizona if that is of any help



On average how much is car insurance if you've been in an accident and?

I wasn't speeding, I didn't slow down enough to make a turn on a back road ( I didn't notice how sharp it was) and swerved off the road. how much more will insurance be for me now if I find an alright vehicle. (And I know it is really bad when your young, I'm 18, so I know it will be high as is, and because of this I know it will be way higher, I just need a basic idea of how high it will be and for how long. I've never been pulled over before, nor do I speed.)



If you do not have health insurance, what is the most affordable and safe way to get a knee replacement?

If you do not have health insurance, what is the most affordable and safe way to get a knee replacement?



Licence wrong date when applying for insurance?

when you get a quote along the way it asks you to enter when you recieved your licence. what if i put 2-3 years old when in actual fact it is only 2 months old. Will the insurance company find out that i am not telling the truth or can i get away with it? Do they check my licence to see when i got it. thanks.



What is the best insurance plan for Abilify?

I'm an 18 year old smoker, female. I need to get on an insurance plan that's not too expensive. Which is the best?



What are the chances of me 'winning' this car insurance claim ?

Yesterday i was leaving work , driving along a road , when a young girl ( 17/18 ) drove straight out of the car park on the left and hit my nsf wheel so hard it pushed my car 5ft across the road. She said she didn't even look to see if a car was coming. She has large scuff marks on the corner of her bumper, my car has a dented wing , wrecked wheel (which is no longer pointing straight ) . This girl is on her parents insurance. Her boyfriend was on his motorbike and said to me , he didn't believe she just did that , he saw it all. My insurance company says it seems straight forward - she was totally at fault, My car is not drive able. Husband ( mechanic ) seems to think i may need a new steering rack, wishbone maybe strutt , wing , alloy wheels ....they may write my car off as its value for insurance is 1200. Has anyone else experienced a similar accident or got any advice ?



What do I look for when buying car insurance?

I had car insurance with my parents for a while and I want to get my own. Im not sure what to look for and what companies are the best. Please help. thanks.



First car! help with car insurance,tax&other stuff please ?? uk owner?

smart car 2 seater white and silver 2010 reg how much would it cost to tax and insure female driver at 17 year old? best place for insurance ?? is it worth getting a black box installed into the smart car ?? if so how much do the cost on average? where is cheapest place to get break down cover ?? what over things do i need to consider on my first car? how much does a smart car cost to fill with fuel in uk?? would love some help if possible kind regards mia xxx :D



Cheap car insurance for 18 year old?

Ok my younger brother is looking for cheap car insurance, hes just turned 18 and is looking at cars in the 400 region, there has been loads of nice looking cars for that price all fully working but obviously reasonably old. this is fine but when it comes to insurance some companies have quoted up to 8000!! I was just wondering if anyone had any tips that could help us out? aiming for under 1000 if possible! Thanks. Mark.



How can I get affordable health insurance for my family while i'm off work..?

I applied for medacaid but they said I make to much money. even thou i'm off from work with no insurance and very little sick leave pay.



Im 18 and i want to buy my mom a car but its for her can she put the insurance under her?

so i buy the car cus i have better credit than her but i cant put the insurance on me itll be too much is there a way we can make this work



Unemployed pay more for car insurance?

The 'cat is most definately out of the bag' about big insurance companies in the UK who are making a mint from people who find themselves out of a job and renew their car insurance policies and find that their premiums have nearly doubled because of their circumstances. We already know of the money-spinning ideas they already have , ie Young Drivers and Female Drivers...now they are hitting the Redundant Jobless. Are there no lengths that these companies will stoop to make billions from us?



Can my brother use my bank account to pay for his car insurance.?

My brother doesn't have a bank account and he needs to pay his car insurance using direct debit. can he use my bank account? Would it matter if it was my name on the account? also, If he had a crash would costs come from my account? I hope somebody can help.



How much does motorcycle insurance cost?

17 yr old male.... and 1st motorcycle.



Young Driver Insurance?

I am 18 and have recently passed my driving test. I have bought a car, a 55 regVauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI 3 door, and before I bought it all of the insurance quotes were cheap - none above 2500 a year. I looked today and all of them are over 4000, even if I put both of my parents as named drivers. Does anyone know any good, cheap young driver car insurance companies or have any advice on how I could lower my premium? I have checked the majority of comparison sites.



I have geico insurance for Arizona. Will I still be covered if I go out of state?

I have Arizona insurance. But I might take a job in California. Will I still be covered if I move there. I don't know how long I will be. Maybe six or so. I don't want to change driver license and such over if I am not going to permanently live there. Anyone know if I will still be covered if I go out of state.



What is the best car insurance for an under 18?

i want a car, but am not sure if i can afford the insurance. what is the best offer on car insurance for my age?



Will state farm insurance pay for my rental car?

I am 20 years old and full coverage and i wrecked my car at my own fault today, and while its getting fixed i need a rental car, does state farm pay for it?



I need insurance on a car I just bought what should I tell the insurance company I am using it for?

I am planning on using it for all 3 options so I am wondering what one will cost the least. The options are Commute, Business, and Pleasure.



May have a preexisting condition and i need affordable insurance?

i may have a preexisting condition i will find out monday ,anyway we are on a month to month with a high cobra premium and it is kicking our butts my husband's job closed after 20 yrs we both are not working and if i have a condition how do we pay for it, how can i get i get affordable health with no job .help somebody i feel for people i feel for everyone who needs health care and can't get it what a shame i pray that i am well and the doctor has good news for me so everyone please pray for a good outcome when prayers go up blessings come down and i need your prayers i love my yahoo family some people are rude but for the most part real decent people live here Sorry for my jumby words



Can a non-car-owner buy auto insurance to drive any car (rental or friend's)? How does one obtain it?

Can a non-car-owner buy auto insurance to drive any car (rental or friend's)? How does one obtain it?


what does m9 mean on a credit report

what does m9 mean on a credit report


Help with car insurance?

im 17 and im buying a car but with the insurance i want to use you have to be 18 to et up a direct debit so i done a quote where my mum is the policy holder and im the main driver and my mum is a named drive am i allowed to do this and whos name would the car have to be in thanks for any help in advance



Insurance cost?

how much would insurance cost if i took drivers ed classes and get a license if you are 16 and own a paid off car



Will insurance points carry over to another company?

I have 9 insurance points. My mom is wondering if she signs me onto her policy, will the rates go up dramatically, or will they still be reasonable?



I was in a car accident with no insurance.?

It was a minor accident no injuries and my insurance ran out 3 days before the accident, i have got insurance again but The person I was in an accident with is taking me to court to try and get $2800 for the damages. Now I know his vehicle is not worth more than $1000. Could that mean that I can pay the price that the car books for and then he will have to give me the title, like insurance companies do?



HELP!! IM 19 i need a very cheap car insurance?

hi i recieved a BMW compact 02 plate car as a gift, and i was really happy but now im really upset because i cannot find any cheap car insurance, i quote all the time and the lowest price i get is 5200 for a year and monthly instalments of 468, i wonder where in their brain do they they think i can pay that every month, i work and pay my rent, sky, internet, gas, tax, credit card etc. what must i do i cant afford to pay 468 more on bills. can you please give me websites which can help, and please dont leave any rude comments because i really cant be bothered for u wasting your time , THANK YOU



Is my son covered on my car insurance?

If I get Insurance on MY car, and my son drives it sometimes, if he has a wrek in it with him not being on the policy, will my insurance cover the damages?



Life insurance?

My husband's mom decided she will pay for life insurance for my husband and I to help out my husbands brother, starting to sell life insurance. The problem is when it came out to filling out all the paper work my husband put his brother down as the person to receive the money, I came in second? His answer to why he did that he said I know my brother will take care of you I ofcourse got mad because I can take care of myself, I will be the one making arrangements for his funeral and all if something where to happen(knock on wood it doesnt happen). I will be the one stuck with all the bills, and how about if the brother doesnt care. He is a low life now what makes my husband think he will take care of me? When I talk to him he says no, im leaving it that way, theres nothing to talk about.



How much would it be to insure a 17 year old on a Ford Fiesta Zetec 1.25L?

I have always liked the Ford Fiesta's and i turn 17 in october, its unlikely i will be driving till next year! i was just wondering an insurance estimate on, say, an 06 plate? 3Doors Hatchback 1.25L I know it will be fairly expensive! If a company were to insure me. Would just like an average quote please! don't want answers with 'depends on this, this or this'.. Thanks very much!



Insurance policy that's actually affordable?

I'm 18 and I have a 2006 mitsubishi GS that I have financed. It's value is around 10,000. All the policies I've checked out are over 300 a month. That's ridiculous, I have great grades and no traffic violations what's the deal!!



Car accident, insurance wont pay up, need help?

i was coming home from work and i hit someone else's parked car when i skidded on ice. i have since found out that i was not supposed to drive to and from work under a technicality of not using the car for work. however i don't use it for work and only use it for the 3 minute commute, as i have a Sunday job. however the insurance company is saying that it will not pay out for both my car and the car i hit. its a 6 grand motor and god knows what the other guys car will cost to fix. basically im asking if they are within their right to not pay out and would i have to pay for the other guys car? i understand i should phone the insurance company but they're closed for Christmas



Car Insurance?

So I got my license the other day I'm 16 turning 17. I don't have a car yet, but I want to drive alone. My mom has a car but my name isin't included in the policy. I heard somewhere that I could still drive the car. Is that true? How much would it cost if my name is added to the car? the car is on AAA Insurance.? . Another question. Im going to be working soon, how much would it cost for a 17 year old to drive his own car with his own insurance, BUT if im added to my DAD's policy.?



How much would car insurance cost for me?

I'm 17 years old, canada, ontario. Just started driving.. Anyone recommend a company, or any adivce, what are the costs per month.



Does your car insurance go up if you get a parking ticket?

I was just being dumb today and I parked in a neighborhood where you can't park. I accept the fact that I was in the wrong and all that. The fine is $80. What I'm most concerned with is whether or not it will increase my car insurance rate. My first thought was no, because it was a parking violation, not a driving violation. But considering how crazy car insurance companies are, I just am not sure. Any help? Thanks in advance.



I want to go to school to learn about car insurance.?

How do I find courses or schooling that can teach me about car insurance



How much would my car insurance cost?

Right now I drive a red 99 mustang. I am paying around $2500 a year through National liability & Fire Insurance Co. for car insurance with nothing against me (no accidents or tickets or anything). I am 19 years old and am looking into getting a red 89 Trans Am. I live on the east end of Long Island. Based on the above info, what do you think I'd pay monthly for car insurance for the Trans Am?



What is the typical cost of maintenance for a Mercedes C240 per year including insurance for a young driver?

As the question states. :) Thank you so much for your help!



How much does it cost to insure a 90's range rover?

vogue SE range rover, 3.9l, automatic, 17 years old, first car. aiming for a 90's range rover because they're cheaper than a decent vauxhall astra or comparable yobbo style car. i belive a range rover is insurance group 14. thanks!



I payed my Ticket, If I dont go to traffic school how much will my insurance go up?

I got a ticket that was 200$ because i live in california and i didnt see the judge to have him/her bring it down. If i dont go to traffic school how much money a month would my car insurance go up? im 18 years old. (tommorrow is my last day) and it says in the area i live in my final exam must be monitored my somewere else which means i cant do all that in one day. so im hoping i can miss and it only goes up 20$ or something.



Is insurance cheaper on a car with a warranty?

I'm looking for my first car, and i was just wondering about insurance It's either between a 2007 tiburon that has a 10 year drivetrain warranty, and like a 5 year basic warranty A dodge charger (warranty would be gone) or maybe a mustang (I know insurance will be high on that) I was looking into the charger, because well, its the coolest of the three and also insurance would be cheaper than the mustang because it has 4 doors. If the warranty affects the insurance, that may be a deciding factor



What's the insurance like on an Acura RSX S-Type?

I'm just turning 16 and this's my 1st car(well actually my 3rd but the 1st one I've bought) and i know prices vary but i just want an idea of what my insurance will look like?



How long does a person have to turn an accident in on your insurance?

I was in a fender bender in a long line of traffic. The front car decided to not use a turn signal and lock up his brakes, causing a chain reaction of everyone having to lock up their brakes. I locked mine up, and my car skidded into the person in front of me. We will car it Car B. Well, Car B was very close to the car in front of him already and Car B hit Car A. The driver of Car B said that there was little to no damage on the rear or front of his car, so he didnt see any means to get the police or insurance involved. Car A has a few tiny marks due to the screws of Car B's front lisence plate. He says that he wants to show it to his parents this weekend, and will let me know Monday. But he has my insurance information. I'm assuming that I would be responsible for his car also. But i'm just wondering how long does he have to turn this in on insurance? I'm afraid that if something else was to happen to his car, him having my information, he could turn it in on something completely unrelated later on.



I'm 27 years old and I wanna get life insurance ? Any thoughts on which type i should get . ?

simplify your answer please .



What exactly is auto insurance?

i just got my first driver's license and I am eagerly awaiting my new car. however, i hear that i have to insure my car and register it and have registration papers. exactly what does this mean for me? will i not be able to get my car? what exactly is this insurance - is it a monthly bill, one-time payment?



How much insurance money do you think i can get?

Seven weeks ago i got into a very bad car accident on the freeway. I'm 15 and was NOT driving. my 19 year old friend was driving. from the accident i was rushed to the hospital with a broken arm. my left arm was very badly cracked and they said in a week they will hit it into place then put it in a cast. so, a week later i went into surgery and there was complications and my arm snapped in half and so they cut open my arm and put in a 5 inch titanium plate and 7 pins. i just got my cast off after 4 weeks. my arm is in pain all the time. and i cant do much. how much money do u think i could recieve?



Is it a good idea to get insurance on your DSLR camera?

if so, which one is the best insurance.


what does m9 mean on a credit report

what does m9 mean on a credit report


Cheap Insurance For Teens.?

I am 17, and I live in KY. Know a cheap company?



I need affordable health insurance and can't find any anywhere.?

I need affordable health insurance and can't find any anywhere.?



Does anyone know where to get affordable insurance rates for high risk drivers?

Any insurance companies offering affordable insurance for high risk drivers



Hit and run + Insurance: Help?

Okay..long story short: I told the insurance company I had B average but I have a C average in Aug. 2009.. They called mid Sept but didnt get in touch and neither left a message on my voicemail. Oct. 9 - I was at a parking lot at night and hit a car; no one was there and the damage was minimal (minor bumper scratch) Oct. 14 (today; after thanksgiving long weekend since I live in Canada its earlier) I have a missed call from my insurance; again no message on my voicemail Now, should I be worried because if they were calling about the hit and run...they would have left a message...also its a home phone line..since I live at home any input would be greatly and thankfully appreciated...



Questions about car insurance?

I need to make a change regarding my car insurance but I am not sure what is considered being dishonest. I got the policy through an insurance agent and i think the below factors are what is causing it to be a little high. 1. I live in my mom's house at the moment but I pay rent to her. On time/every month, it's non negotiable. Am I ok to say that I rent? 2. I have had my car for two and a half months and have never driven to work. It just seems like a huge hassle to wait in traffic and pay high parking rates. However the agent put it down that I drive to work and for pleasure. If I choose pleasure only would that lock me into really never ever being able to drive to work? I did an online quote with the same company that I have now (Progressive) and put in rent and drive for pleasure only;it came out $40 cheaper. I'm just not sure if I'm being dishonest. Thank you!



What would be a good FIRST CAR?

i'm a 15 year old who has a birthday a little ways away, but i'm trying to get a good idea of what i might get for my first car. my preferences: -nothing the cops would pull over late at night for suspicion of younger driver. i plan on sneaking out, and my city has a curfew, for everyone 16 and under. -i would LOVE for it to be rear-wheel drive. this isn't really needed, but i'd love for it to be. -my parents are spending no more than $10,000 on the car, and it'll be have to be used. -airbags. (parent requirement.) -insurance can't be too high. as in, not sporty. nothing like a mustang or anything along those lines. -it can't be BMW, jaguar, infiniti, cadillac, lexus or anything like that. my mom said they're snobby or grandma cars. -no SUV. (also parent requirement.) -i'm not a hatchback fan. -GOOD GAS MILEAGE!!!!!!! cars i had in mind were: nissan altima mitsubishi lancer mazda3 ford focus honda accord i'd like for you to mention the year of the car, too, if you know it.



Woul insurance rates change depending on transmission type?

would automatic transmission cost more for insurance or manual? or does it not matter curious to know....



How can i get cheaper insurance on my 1998 honda civic 1.5?

Every time i want to find a cheap insurance on my Honda civic 1.5 i get quotes starting from 4000, this is insanity, my car is worth not more than 600 and insurance is almost 10 times bigger. I am 20 years old.



Where to buy cheap auto insurance?

Im 19 years old and I have had my license for about a year. I have no speeding tickets and have never been in a wreck. My driving record is picture perfect. I have been driving my moms car and she has had me under her insurance so it was really cheap. But Im getting ready to buy an 06' Chevy Colbat and where I am buying it off a car lot, she cant afford to put me under her name on insurance, becuase I will have to get full coverage as where as before I had liability. Is there a place in WV or somewhere online that offers reasonable prices on full coverage insurance for someone of my age. My mom is telling me my insurance is going to be about as much as my car payment. Is there any way to get it lower? I need a cheap place for insurance! Thnks.



What is the average cost of insurance for a teenage driver per year?

I'm 17, and I'm going to get my provisional license in about a month. Mg r y parents are going to have me pay for my own insurance. I just wanted to get a look at roughly how much my insurance will cost before I get a quote. Thanks!



Functions of auto insurance and coverage characteristics?

I'm doing this for school, and she only posted a table. We have to figure out what are functions of all insurance and coverage characteristics of all. I may be overlooking this a little to much. But if someone could help me out that would be great and I appreciate it.



Anyone know the best company to go to for life insurance?

Anyone know the best company to go to for life insurance?



Insurance quote for a vehicle?

hey i just want to know the 5 important factors they consider when giving an insurance quote and an example of an insurance quote?



Cheap car insurance in uk?

i am looking for cheap car insurance, the problem being i am 25 past my test nearly 2 yrs ago, need to be fully comp, and own a citroen which is an 02. most insurance comps want 2000



What is the BEST LIFE INSURANCE to get?

Do you have a life insurance? I would like to get one but i dont know what companys are good and how much money.. I have ask state farm they have a 30-term policies and if u dont die by that time you get back all your premiums all the money u have paid. but is very expensive for 100k gotta pay about 45dls.



Eye and Health Insurance ( College Student)?

Just recently I was diagnosed with Uveitis in my left eye. I had previously been diagnosed with it and my left eye just flared up again this year. As a 21 year old College student I can barely make ends meet and well now my question is, what kind of Medical/Eye/RX insurance would you guys recommend. I'm not ensured and I still have to go trough treatment, see specialist, blood test, chest exams, etc. My visit to the specialist was already around $120 and $75 per eye drops. I wanted to get glasses but seem how this slapped me in the face I would rather pay for an insurance before I'm forced to drop out because I can't pay my tuition.I'm also very unfamiliar with Insurance policies and as much research as I have done I have found little to nothing. I'm really not on a good enough financial status to pay a 100+ a month Insurance as a college student. Hopefully someone has some tips or tricks or at least some recommendations. P.S. excuse the bad spelling the brightness of the computer hurts my eye a bit and its hard to see my errors.



How much does it usually cost to insure a big (600cc and above) motorcycle?

How about a 250cc? Or does it depend on the type of bike I have?



How much will teen car insurance cost?

Okay so I'm getting my license soon. How much will my insurance be approx



Car insurance company's do they make you angry!!!!?

My car insurance compnay (Hastings Direct ) dont use them there sh!t, anyway on the 22nd april I asked for them to send my Insurance certificate as I only had a temp one that ran out 2 weeks before the date I needed to tax my car wich was 31-5-06, but i never got it so I rang again on the 25th of may and they said there sorry but forgot to send it in april & said we will sent it today . still not got it and my car tax ran out on 31st! rang again today and asked were the hell is my insurance certificate .. there reply oh it must of got lost in post we will send it out today!! how bad is that!!! has this or anything like this happen to you.? if so what compnay s I know not to move to them



Motorcycle Insurance cost in Ontario?

I know it depends on a lot so I'll give you as much info as possible: age: 18 bike: honda cbr125r driving(car) record: spotless -the bike will be kept in my house overnight, and I'll only be using inner city (for work, school, social..) So guys I just need a rough estimate, doesn't have to be exact. how much would it cost be per year? Also, is insurance less if you're female like with car insurance? thanks for any help!



Car insurance?

Can you own a car and be covered legally in under your parents insurance? My wife and I purchased a car from her father and I want the title, but we are able to pay really cheap insurance through them...I don't want to lose that...can we have the title put in our name, but still have insurance through them?



How much is a ticket for not having insurance on your car in oklahoma?

I'm writing a paper for my law study class and was wondering how much the average ticket for not having insurance on your car in oklahoma is? Thanks for the help!



Need help with Car Insurance?

I am a 17 year old in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance, as ...show more



Why is car insurance mandatory but human insurance isn't?

Why is car insurance mandatory but human insurance isn't?



We were just in a no fault car accident and we're uninsured?

How should we proceed? Our Insurance has been canceled and we were just hit by another driver while driving. I have heard that you have less of a claim when you're uninsured even if you're not at fault, but I just wanted to get some advice... Can anyone help?


what does m9 mean on a credit report

what does m9 mean on a credit report
